Saturday, December 22, 2007

google screening

Finished my third technical screen on Thrusday. This last one was with a senior engineer (the progenitor of the SRE) and is likely to be the last one before an actual on-site interview, if they so choose. I think it went better than the second screening where I got caught in some 'trivia' questions that I wasn't prepared for. Of course, I think that I could have done better but I feel that way about every interview that I have.

I found the process a little disorganized, however. Some of the questions that I was asked were the same as from other screenings. This could have been on purpose but it seemed redundant. I also felt an interview off at times. For instance, for my second screen, I was told that it would likely me regarding networking but it turned out to be more C, shell, and general trivia. For the third screen, I was told that I should expect some systems admin and C questions but it turned out to be a lot of networking. So things that I knew in detail a few weeks ago, I found myself talking about in generalities (e.g., I knew the broad strokes of slow-start in congestion control but not the exact details). So that was a little disappointing.

In general the whole process was fun. I learned a lot about where I need to improve my skills or places where I want to get back into and delve deeper -- not so much from the screenings but rather from my preparation. The process re-ignited my academic side. I haven't crammed this much since university. :) I liked my first and third screenings the best. The questions were a little more thought-provoking and open and not so much the trivia/gotcha questions. But I had a good time and we'll just have to see where it goes from here.


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