Wednesday, April 25, 2007

canning subject spam

I've written a new script to cut down on the amount of spam. It runs as a cronjob every hour and to keep things fast and simple, only scans the subject line for specific keywords. It's not the ultimate solution but it should help.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I've made a huge mistake

The discussion to move to a new platform and host started about 2 years ago. There were rumblings beforehand but the first post, I think, to galvanize things was from Martin.

I think that the major reasons for moving to a different host and platform were:

1) We didn't want to rely on the charity of our host. In the past, had always been hosted by a member of the community. This lead to moving several times when the host couldn't do it anymore.

2) Because we had informal hosting, there weren't any service level agreements in place. I don't think that it was ever a problem but the perception that we could be left out in the cold by our host was there.

3) We didn't want to remain on proprietary/commercial software for philosophical reasons. was run on CF+Access, CF+Oracle, CF+SQL Server in the past. The community thought that it was best to move to a free and open source platform. I think that also wanted to be an open source community and not just representing a Web worker's community. A more open community was supposed to lead to better, faster progress.

4) There was the "hit by a bus" scenario. The main code for the original CMS was created by a small number of people. Just before the move, it seemed like there was only one person maintaining the code--bug fixes and new features. The community felt that if this one person dropped out of the community, we'd be in trouble. As it was, getting new features or changes into the codebase was slower than the community would have liked. This was understandable it was a volunteer effort and always seemed to fall to the lowest priority by everyone.

We decided to buy hosting, funded through donations and Google ads on the browser archive. We decided to move to Drupal as our CMS.

And so after one and half years later, where are we? Are we in any better shape than before? Are we moving forward and making any sort of progress? Arguably not. Here's what I think the problems are:

1) Day-to-day running of the site and the mailing lists are still done by one or two people. "Opening" the community didn't really result in much happening. In fact, it's lead to the closing or invalidating of some of the services that used to maintain. Our directory is pretty much dead. It's riddled with broken links and submissions have been shut off because of the spamming. The browser archive is dying. No one is adding new things to the archive, the site revision hasn't happened, and the mirrors are all dead. I don't even think that b.e.o servers browsers to end users any more. The wiki had to be closed because no one was watching it and it got filled with spam. died because we couldn't support the service with the amount of free-loading that was happening., which was supposed to replace m.e.o, didn't even get off the ground. The IRC channel isn't really about anymore. It's just a place to hang out. The same is true of (usually a problem with planets). There's not much that is "on topic".

2) Drupal is slow. I don't know how other sites running Drupal do it, but our implementation is dog slow. Most of the Drupal people at insisted that this would get better once caching was turned on or once tuning was performed. Either that hasn't happened or's content breaks Drupal.

3) You think one developer is a problem, try no developers. When Drupal was suggested, a handful of people presented themselves in theforum saying that they had experience and were able to help. One and a half years later, we're still on the 4.6 version and I don't know of any improvements that have been going into the code. I don't know of any extra features that we've added since the Cold Fusion days. (We've probably lost some.) We were supposed to get customized stylesheets. We were supposed to get new templates (see design contest). But I haven't really seen any progress. The UI for comments is horrendous. The "Recent comments" block doesn't work on articles that spill over onto multiple pages. We still have broken links in articles and content that breaks the design. And I don't think that we even have all of the search engine friendly URLs mapped over from the previous CMS.

4) New articles are not being reviewed and approved and nothing is being done to drum up new content. The content list isn't even discussing articles in the queue.

5) A general lack of passion. No one is really passionate about the community any longer. I don't know anyone willing to step up to push to the next level or even to get us on an even playing field with some of the other sites out there. In short, nobody cares.

Some would say that the passion comes and goes with any community and that we're doing fine the way we are now. Some would say that everyone has a day job and a life outside and that they can't make the time to help out. That's understandble. But this has been a problem for a long time in the community.

Five years ago, I was in Toronto and meeting with some of the long-time community (Mishka, Rudy, Tara, Aardvark, and by phone, Dan). At that time, aardvark asked me how I thought things were going with I responded that I thought that things were going okay and that things would work out in the end. aardvark looked at me like I was crazy. was having problems even then. It was mainly political problems then, and that's probably why I chose to ignore them. I'm a developer. I just want to see things get done. I don't want to deal with the management. But in looking back, if only I could have done something differently, and if could have continued on an upward path, I don't think that we would be in the sorry state that we are now.

Once upon a time there was a survey sent out to the community, back when we all cared. There were a bunch of suggestions and things that we needed to fix but the majority of those things were dropped along the way. Some people believe that everything has a lifespan. Perhaps has reached the end of its.

Friday, April 20, 2007

mailman upgrade

A few days back, someone broke into our mailman installation and fux0red some settings. At that point we were running version 2.1.6. David Kaufman restored everything back to working order but I figured it was time to upgrade to 2.1.9. Everything seemed to go smoothly but the weekend is a low traffic time. The real test will come on Monday but I'm not expecting any problems.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

comment spam

I've had to take the extraordinary action of banning people because of comment spam. Lately I've been removing links from comments that have nothing to do with the comment. This includes, but is not limited to, links that are styled to look like normal text (i.e., colour, no underlining, etc.) and links that use the period as the linked text. However, there are some users that keep putting the links back in. I can only assume that there's a bot or something putting the links back in because after a few iterations of removal and re-insertion, you'd think that a person would get the point. And since the point was not taken, I've banned them.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Back when we moved the data from the Cold Fusion CMS, we left a lot of loose ends hanging around. For example, not all of the search-engine friendly URL mapping was done, links to within an article are broken, images and assets are missing from articles. Everyone said that they would get around to doing something about it but, as usual, nothing ever got done. So I'm doing some of the clean up now just because it bugs the hell out of me.